The comprehensive training in the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis – deterministic a disease that occurs due to the hyperproliferations of the cells of the dermis, the interruptions in the operation of the immunity with the synthesis immune dependens of mediators that cause inflammation in the skin. For the standardization of the processes of differentiation of the keratinocyte, the cell recovery, the mitosis and the immunity use of drugs of different groups (cytostatics, retinoids, immunosuppressants).

the comprehensive training in the treatment of psoriasis

Diagram of application of one or other of these drugs depends on the stage of development of the disease, the type of eruptions, and the age of the patient.

The holistic treatment of psoriasis

The comprehensive treatment of psoriasis involves not only the use of drugs, but and physiotherapy procedures. They help the recovery of mitosis, which leads to the removal of hyperkeratosis and inflammatory processes in the skin epidermis. The therapy against psoriasis encompasses several areas, namely:

  1. exterior of the tool (ointments, gels, liniments, creams, sprays) – contribute to the local, the elimination of inflammatory processes in the areas of the skin affected by psoriatic plaques;
  2. parenteral and oral anti-diabetic drugs (pills, tablets, injections, vitamins) – tools of the systemic therapy, which affect the various organs and systems;
  3. physiotherapy of the tool (cryotherapy, gemosorbtsiya, lazeroterapija) – hardware methods of treatment aimed at the purification of the blood and the skin of agents pathological;
  4. methods type of spa treatment with the application of herudotherapy, mud baths, thermal waters, etc;
  5. diet therapy – nutrition, which contributes to the normalization of cellular metabolism and, in consequence, of the mitosis.

The selection of the specific goals of the therapy depends on the stage of development of psoriasis. For example, in the stage of progression, that is to say, the active development of the psoriatic platelets not they can use different types of physiotherapy procedures. This can lead to further worsening of the disease.

The choice of a complex therapy

The course of the disease to a large extent determines the degree of development of pathological processes, factors that cause failures in the functioning of the immunity, the patient's age, etc, In the process of adequate mapping of the complex of the activities of treatment, the doctor will take into account:

  • the causes of the development of the pathology;
  • the phase of development of the disease;
  • the type of psoriatic eruptions;
  • the sex and age of the patient;
  • characteristics the course of the disease;
  • the tendency to allergic reactions.

A careful study of the history of the patient allows to determine the direction of treatment that will help you to get the best therapeutic results. A special paper provide the analysis of the launchers mechanisms activate the appearance of psoriatic platelets. Start the mechanism for the development of the disease may be stress from over-exertion, chronic illnesses, autoimmune failures, climate change, etc

Select the direction of the therapy should be exactly justification to the pathogenesis of psoriasis. In the opposite case, to suppress the pathological process in the body will not be able to, which will lead to complications.
the holistic treatment of psoriasis

General principles of therapy

According to the results of a recent study doctor's consultation, in which participated specialists from 19 european countries, the effective treatment psoriatic disease is based on the application of 3 principles:

  1. the strict compliance with a complex algorithm of the treatment activities;
  2. the permanent monitoring of the response of the organism to the action of certain medications.
  3. timely adjustment of the therapeutic principles of treatment.

Unfortunately, in 45% of cases, the generalization of the inflammatory process, in the development of psoriasis is due to the breach of treatment standards, which are determined by the physician. To reduce the risk of the education psoriatic platelets throughout the body, it is necessary to follow the instructions that are given to a specialist in the therapy process.

The treatment in the stage of progress

The integrated approach of treatment of psoriasis is determined by the stage of development of the pathological process. In the stage of progression, that is to say, active the appearance of new symptoms of the disease and skin eruptions, it's worth sticking around this scheme of treatment:

  • Corticosteroid ointment – stop the manifestations of the disease and contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • Enriched with medicines – contribute to the normalization of the processes of change, which enables you to retrieve cell mitosis;
  • Antihistamines – they remove the itching and inflammation of the tissue near the foci of inflammation.

The application of the aforementioned funds in the phase of progression of the disease due to its pathogenic activity. Have expressed antiphlogistic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

The treatment of the fixed and retrogressive stage of

Fixed and retrogressive stage of development of the disease is characterized by moderately steep flaking psoriatic platelets. However, in this phase of the pathology does not occur, the perimeter of the rise, that is to say, the expansion of papules or onset of new symptoms of the disease. In this case, the medical therapy focuses on the use of medicines with the detachment, disinfectant and wound-healing action.

The scheme of treatment genodermatosis will be approximately:

When the heavy weight of the power of the disease to the outrage of the symptoms apply not only to the corticosteroids and foreign funds, but also cytostatic

They have expressed immunosuppressive action, that is to say, inhibit the immunity. This avoids the irritation of the epidermis, that attack the antibodies to the epidermal cells.